AABA’s Board of Directors is made up of twenty-four (24) Active voting members [12 elected each year for a 2-year term], as well as retired active members who served on the Board for at least ten and have been elected as Director Emeritus. Throughout the years, Board members have come from one of our eight (8) supporting sister churches: Our Lady of the Annunciation Cathedral in West Roxbury, Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon in Jamaica Plain, Saint John of Damascus Orthodox Church in Dedham, Saint George Orthodox Church in West Roxbury, Saint Matthew’s Syriac Orthodox Church in West Roxbury, Saint Mary’s Orthodox Church in Cambridge, Saint George Orthodox Church in Norwood and Saint Stephen’s United Methodist Church in West Roxbury. In addition, we have representation from our supporting sister organizations: Nicholas G. Beram Veterans Association, Syrian-Lebanese Women’s Club, Nicholas G. Beram Ladies Auxiliary, and the Lebanese-Syrian Ladies Aid Society.
Today’s Board of Directors is a very diverse, professional, and community-driven. It is made up of business owners, accountants, engineers, experienced community activists, professionals, insurance/financial planners, lawyers, and others. The men and women on the Board of Directors are representatives from all of our supporting churches and organizations.
If you are interested in becoming a board member, please complete the online application below. You may also download the Board of Directors Nomination Application Form and mail it to us.
Board of Directors Nomination Application
Board of Directors Nomination Application
Officers and Board of Directors
Maurice Daaboul
Vice President
David Franciosi
Mary Winstanley O'Connor, Esq.
Kenneth J. Raffol
Assistant Treasurer
Darya Gamel
Recording Secretary
Nicole Kfoury
Corresponding Secretary
Lisa Salemi
Board of Directors
Linda Ayoub
Checrallah Abichaker
John Audi
Elias Audy
*John Byda
Gabriel El Massih
*Marilyn Ganame
*Louis S. Hadaya
Albertina C. Hajjar, Esq.
Nicole Kfoury
Louis M. Kfoury III
*Loretta Merageas
Basem Metri
*Shelby Mudarri
*Dr. Jerald Owen
Elaine Sabbag
*Sally Sabino
Charles Sacre, P.E.
*Michael G. Saegh
Steven Salhaney
*William Seaver
Rosanne Solomon