On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, family and friends of David Hajjar gathered at the James M. Salah Family Housing at Cheriton Heights to attend the official dedication of the Community Room in honor and memory of David. Speeches were given by Linda Ayoub, AABA President, Louis Kfoury, President of Cheriton Grove Corp., and Steven Salhaney, President of Cheriton Heights Corp. Then, his widow Elaine, said a few words thanking everybody for what they have done. Refreshments were served after the dedication. Dedication of David E. Hajjar Community Room
David was a long standing member of the AABA Board of Directors, serving for 17 years and also holding the title of Executive Director, overseeing the building of Cheriton Heights. He spearheaded invaluable contributions to the entire AABA community.
David fell asleep in the Lord on October 16, 2021. May his memory be eternal!